About Emerald
the "webmaster"
Hi! I'm Emerald. I'm a 15-year-old unschooler/homeschooler who was born on November 20th, 1984.
I enjoy: making webpages, vegetarianism/veganism, dancing ballet, playing the piano, Star Trek,
classical music, reading, gardening, astrology, palmistry, and countless other things. I'm a
horrible speller and a great typoist. I have made and am making websites for my Dad (Rodney),
my brother (Aaron), and me. I don't like to be referred to as a webmaster because I don't
think I am a master of webpage making. I only know little more than basic HTML, but I'm
working on learning PERL. I also think that a webpage is never finished. It can always be
updated and added to.
My favorite quote is; "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm
not sure about the former." That’s by Albert Einstein. Want more quotes? Like any of my
interests? Visit my webpage.
PLEASE report errors to me so that I can fix them. Any
questions, comments, and criticism is welcome. Just e-mail
me. I hope enjoy this site and comeback for more.
Some other sites made my me are:
Siva Yoga Lessons for Eternal Freedom - My Dad's site.
AAA: Auto Addicts Anonymous -My Dad's 2nd site
Educational Website For Student & Voter Input - My Dad's 3rd site.
Aaron's Homepage - Star Trek, Airplanes, Dolphins & Ganesha Pictures!
- My little brother's site.